Friday, May 09, 2008

End of another week

Ashton and Abi in the dog kennel keeping out of the sun today!
This picture really made me giggle all the toys in the back garden and they choose to play in the dog's kennel!
Physio went really well yesterday, she ordered me a conserving device for my portable o2 cylinders which will make them last alot longer. Also a back for my bed so I can sleep sitting up like in hospital. We did some good physio and then some relaxation excercises which were good. I was pretty tired afterwards and seen as mum had Abi at her's i spent most of the day in bed.
When ed got home we decided it was such a nice evening we'd go for a pub garden dinner we invited mum and steve seen as they have been such stars having abi recently. It was gorgeous weather and all lovely until two stupid women sat right next to me who was sat there with a cylinder by her side with big letters plastered all over it O2 OXYGEN and promptly lit up their cigarettes!! I'm not moaning so much about the smoke - people have to smoke outside now and I was sat outside but the idiotic factor of smoking next to an oxygen cylinder!!
Anyway today has been nice too, mum had Abi this morning then brought her home a bit before nap time as she had to go off to shiatsu. BOC came and delivered me some new portable cylinders for the weekend he also gave me the conserving device the physio ordered yesterday which can make my cylinders last up to 4 times as long! Which is great as means we can go out more. Will take a bit of getting used to as you have to make sure you breathe in deep enough to trigger to oxygen to come out.
Abi then announced it was nap time and slept for 3 1/2 hours till I woke her up as asthon and gemma were here. We spent rest of afternoon in garden and it was lovely.
We've got a nice weekend ahead, i'm just hoping I can spend it out of hospital spent everyday last weekend back and forth to hosp!!
Hope everyone has a good one and enjoys the weather!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad too read the sunshine is having a poitive effect on you hun!:D
Lol, hope you gave them ladies a good telling off. Bloody moronic people!
It's lovely too see all the photo's, you're right,it definately brightens things up a bit.
Hope those lungs of yours are starting too behave a bit better, and that you can carry on cooking baby bump the second a little longer.

Massive hugs huni, and hope this sun keeps on shining:)