Sunday, May 04, 2008


Yay people read me :)
Makes me think I should update more often hehe
Right this weekend has been rather hectic like I said in last post I'm on verge of going in and really want to stay out if I can, Thursday mum had Abi for the day so I could completley rest. On Fridayi'd had a pretty rough night breathing wise and still wasn't great so Ed stayed home from work, my chest consultant rang to talk to me about how I was feeling etc and he was concerned by the sound of me on the phone so off we went to get checked out. This was fine we thought till we got my last portable cylinder out of the garage only to find when we connected the head bit that it was 3/4 empty when should have been full - great! By the time we got to the hosp I was on the red nearing empty but made it luckily!
Friday everything was checked I had an hours trace of the baby aswell to check that everything was ok there as if my sats are low then its not good for him. He's fine :) My sats were a little low so am now using 5lpm and my sats are sitting around 94-97% if i sit like a good girl and do nothing!
Saturday Abi went off with ed's mum to visit his grandma in southend for the day, ed went off as he had some teaching to do and seen as it was so nice I decided to sit in the garden check my emails and read my book Pippa was being really good she kept bringing her toy and then settled down beside me - result! I must have been sat there a while and I thought Im not actually feeling that great considering i'm sat here on 5lpm o2 waited a bit longer and was getting more and more out of breath, so went in to look at concentrator - all looked fine came back outside and sat down and realised what the problem was, where i thought pippa was being a good puppy laying next to me she'd actually chewed some lovely big holes in my o2 tubing!
Since the oxygen service has been taken over by BOC you don't get spares! So with my long tubing chewed i connected up to concentrator with my nasal specs tube which meant I was stuck within 1m of the concentrator - not fun. I rang up BOC and really appologetically explained they were really nice and said someone would be out within 4 hours. By this time Ed was home so he sorted out an extention lead so my concentrator could be outside next to me and within an hour a lovely man came and sorted out my tubing and gave me a spare! Result!
By this time it was time to go back up to the hospital for my checkup again the only other portable cylinder we had wasn't really portable a size ZH for those of you on o2 weighing 14kg so poor Ed now has one arm longer than the other. Unfortunately things didn't run quite so smoothly on the ward the baby kept having accelerations in his heart beat so they wanted to monitor for longer, it was also found that I had glucose +++ in my urine so probably heading down the gestational diabetes route - not really surprising being on 60mg preg for so long.
After alot of debating I was allowed home at 8pm on strict instructions I came back in morning. By the time we got home we had to pick Abi up and put her straight to bed - not nice as i'd missed her so much I wanted to spend time with her.
Abi woke up nice and early this morning though so we didnt miss her for long!
The hospital was much more positive today babies tracing was fine and my sats were 97%! So won't go back now unless any problems till Wed when I'm due at clinic.
Abi is in bed now and ed is just out playing for even song will be back shortly and i'm hoping for a nice cuddle up on the sofa and a quiet night as we haven't had one yet this bank holiday!
I'll leave you with some pictures as it makes the blog look less boring :)

Me yesterday bored sat on the CTG monitor which monitors the baby
My favourite photo - Abi kissing the baby
Abi pretend feeding the baby!
Our stupid cat who got a spoon attached to the magnet for the catflap on her collar!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loving the wonderful photos - they are so exciting to see! Sounds like you are having a tough time but I'm glad that you've passed the biggest stage and little one has had his steroid injection and everything. Abi looks like she's looking forward to meeting the baby too :o) xxxx