I think I need to stop starting my post by apologising as thats just getting boring! I don't know if anyone is even still checking my blog! I am very very naughty!
I am now nearing 30 weeks pregnant, and unfortunately things haven't been such sweet sailing as we'd hoped and the first half of the pregnancy were. I've been in and out of hospital, in ITU with my asthma and then contracting Hospital contracted pneumonia!!
I am at home at the moment but am on o2 all the time and am on the edge of going in. I've had the steroid injections I had with Abi to mature tha babies lungs at 28 weeks so thats a weight off our mind. We've had a couple of scans since my last post and have found out we're expecting a little boy!
Abi has been really well, she is now fully potty/toilet trained and such a lovely little thing, she is so grown up and very excited about the baby being born, she is great at helping and runs round doing little errunds for me and loves it. Unfortunately Abi didn't get to start pre-school as the risk of her getting chicken pox while i'm on high dose steroids is too risky for me so she won't start now until September.
I fractured my ankle 2 weeks ago - just getting up of sofa didn't realise my leg was asleep and tried to walk ending up in a not very deignty heap on the floor!
This does make things rather tricky with a big bump using crutches and my oxygen lead trailing behind I think I am asking to do the other one!
I have uploaded a few pictures (still haven't found the lead but ed has shown me how to upload by bluetooth!) and hope someone actually reads this!
I'm reading it !!
I've been wondering how you have been getting on. I really hope all goes well for you. Will you be induced?
I'l keep everything crossed for you.
Jayne xxxxx
Oh hang on, congratulations on your baby being a boy! What lovely news.
Bye again.
I am reading too!
I really hope that things goes well for you and the baby, and of course the rest of your family. I'm thinking about you!
Also, when I pictured this it made me giggle a little:
"This does make things rather tricky with a big bump using crutches and my oxygen lead trailing behind I think I am asking to do the other one!"
That's really bad luck and timing though, breaking your ankle. Take care of yourself!!!
I read it too! Perhaps you've got a bigger readership than you think you have!! Congrats on the bebe boy! Very exciting - I hope all goes ok for the rest of the pregnancy and that your ankle heals nicely, you poor thing! Love, Katie
I check your blog almost every day hun. Lol, will have too try to remember too actually post a reply more often. I like to keep updated with how you are doing.
*hugs* Really hope things are better soon sweetie xxxxxx
I check your blog loads but have managed to miss TWO posts somehow!! Its so lovely to have an update as I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are getting on. Such exciting news about it being a boy - how perfect to have one of each! xxxx
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