Sunday, June 22, 2008

One month old

Just for you Toria ...
Hehe I am well overdue an update and am very good at moaning at other people for not updating their blogs but useless at updating my own!
Well Oliver is one month today - how time flies!
We're doing really well at home. Ed is off on paternity leave at the moment which is a great help as I had a really tricky week with Abigail last week I knew it was to come but was quite hoping we'd get away without it!
She loves Oliver to bits as you can see from the photo's she is very 'mother hen' and wants to hold him and give him milk from her boobie, you have to watch her obviously as she is only 2 1/2 but she is very gentle with him and gives him the most gorgeous kisses telling him "it's alright sweetheart" (obviously copying what I say but sounds hilarious coming out of the mouth of a 2 year old!!)
The jealousy and attention seeking kicked in on Tuesday last week and Thursday was the worst day when I attempted to go to town with them both on my own physically I felt up to this but mentally I obviously wasn't. In the time we were in town (just over an hour) Abi wet herself 11 times laughing when she did it! I had only taken 3 changes of clothes with me. Bearing in mind Abi was completely potty trained without any accidents for a good 3 months before Oliver arrived. Looking back now I can see why she was doing it, people kept stopping me with the pram admiring Oliver and paying no attention to her so how does she get mummies attention? ... Wet herself we got stopped an awful lot but then you don't often see a 4lb baby!
The last few days with daddy home have been alot better and she's done all her wee's and poo's on the toilet so today when we were at tesco she got a new little soft toy to add to her In the Night Garden collection she chose a tombliboo (spl) she only needs 2 more tombliboos and she has the whole collection. I have also promised her when she wakes up from her nap we'll make some cakes.
Oliver is doing well he has had his NG tube out now and is feeding completely on me his weight has dropped a little to 4lb 10oz but as long as it doesnt' drop any more then we should be ok to stay ng free. He now feeds about every 2 hours during the night though which is a little tiring so we brought some of the tommee tippie breast and bottle bottles to try with the freezer full of breast milk we have from when he was in NICU so Ed can try give him a bottle for one of the night feeds.
Its Ed's birthday on Friday so got that to look forward to and get ready for this week. Abi is a magical age and is really looking forward to it.
Right better go and get another load of washing online and feed Oliver before Abi wakes up. I hope this brings you upto date. I've added a couple of photos 1. Oliver looking very summery. 2. Daddy and Oliver snuggled up watching tv. 3. Abi, Daddy and Oliver having cuddles. 4. Nana ,Abi and Oliver. 5. The Chocolate fudge cake that Abi and I made for the nurses on NICU to say Thanks for everything they did for us. They are very special people who work there they are angels!!


Chantelle said...

hey hun sorry i have not chatted to you much, we have been very busy as of you :) the photos are gr8. thank you for the card by the way it was very sweet of you.
me and matt got back from london last night, i will update my blog when i have a spare min and add photos xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Toria said...

Ooo a blog dedicated to little moi!!

Abi is just too gorgeous for words bless her, you should take some videos of her with Oliver if you can. I think she's being a fantastic big sister taking care of her baby-brother so well even if he is being cheeky and stealing ALL the attention!

I love the piccie.... though now REALLY want chocolate cake damm you!!