Thursday, June 05, 2008

2 weeks old!

Wow doesn’t time fly Oliver is 2 weeks old today, it only seems like yesterday that we were getting ready for the arrival of Oliver but then on the other hand it feels like he’s always been here, part of our family.
Oliver is doing amazingly well, he is out of HDU now and in a side room in a cot which is nice as we can get some privacy with him and also nice for the other parents as it means Abigail isn’t running round them all day. Its nice now he is out of the incubator as it’s easier to see and touch him.Oliver is now off all monitoring and drips etc he just has one monitor while he is in his cot which monitors his breathing rate as prem babies have a habit of forgetting to breathe sometimes. He has no lines in just his Ng feeding tube which goes in his nose into his stomach now. He is on 2 hourly feeds of 29ml and is offered to breast feed when ever is awake enough and showing interest. He’s had a couple of really good sucks but tires quite easily.
Oliver’s main problem now is his weight he’s 9oz less than his birth weight and by day 10 they expect them to have reached their birth weight if not be pretty close to it again which Oliver hasn’t done. They are now adding fortifier to my milk to give him extra calories and nutrients to give him an extra hand in gaining weight so far (3 days in) it hasn’t worked but hopefully each day now he’s getting stronger he can concentrate on gaining weight.
To come home Oliver needs to be at least 4lb 6oz and feeding totally on me and thriving so now its all down to Oliver.
He is such an alert gorgeous little boy I just can’t wait to get him home and we can get on with family life.


Toria said...

Two weeks?! Where on earth did they go?! Mind you I could say that about the last 5-6 months with Edward hehe.

So pleased to hear you are in a side room, it makes such a difference with the bonding I imagine, and means you don't have to worry about Abi.

Sorry to hear his weight isn't picking up as fast as you'd like, but like you say he will get the hang of it soon, and now he's over the initial struggle he can spend those calories on getting fat :o)

Love and hugs to you all xox

Jayne said...


I've been keeping up with your news, just been lapsing on comments.

Oliver looks so beautiful. I hope you are all doing well and that you aren't too tired.

Fingers crossed that Oliver gains weight very soon.

Take care.

Jayne xxx

Anonymous said...

HI Sweetie,

He looks so cute, and I'm glad to hear he is doing so well!!!

How are you doing, i hope you're finding some time to rest and looking after yourself.

If your free one evening next week let ma know and I'll pop over and say hi
