Sunday, September 30, 2007


Abi giving a little hello wave even though feeling poorly!
One of the kittens!

Aunty Becky and Abigail having a cuddle on the sofa
A quick update as Becky is here so I have 5 mins piece which is really rare recently!
We have had a quiet few days Abi seems better for a little bit then goes back down! The temperatures are coming and going thick and fast! Dr seems happy for me to carry on giving calpol to reduce them!
Ed had a great night out (ps rebecca i don't have clue who he is ;) ) Ed was full of telling me about it at 1am when he got in!! Julia and I had a nice couple of hours and ended up having a curry as she'd already had pizza that day and some diam bar cake from Ikea - YUMMY!!! She went early as Abi had a really high temp so brought her onto my bed and cuddled her!
We had Mum steve Becky and Harry round for dinner last night which was lovely abi refused to eat though!
This morning was the first morning that Abi asked for breakfast in over a week which is really positive!
Becky is here this morning as she has a cake bake at school tomorrow and needed to make some cakes. When she asked I did think it meant helping her - not making them for her while she laid on sofa with Abigail ;)
The kittens are now a week old and have trippled in size they are so cute. Isis is being a great mum. They are going to start walking and opening their eyes in the next few days which is when the trouble will set in i'm sure!!

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