Thursday, May 25, 2006

Update 25/5/06

Hi all,

Well this week what has happened....

Monday after spending all of sunday night with one end on the toilet and the other over the sink and sleeping the rest of the night on the bathroom floor!! Ed stayed home to help look after abigail and manages to get me an appointment with my consultant as he was worried. I was given a course of cipro and some dioralite as i was dehydrated and refused point blank to go into hospital and have IV fluids. I have to go into hospital on the 8th June for a colonoscopy :S (a camera up my bum) to investigate what exactly is going on.

On wednesday I went to clinic to get Abigail weighed and she had lost weight!! 2oz but just before I put her on the scales while I was waiting she had a 5oz bottle so in my thinking that put an extra 5oz on her so it would have been 7oz!! I don't understand it :S But I hope she picks up next week!!

Thursday today I took abigail to town to get her picture taken for the baby of the year competition in the essex chronicle so we'll see how we go I go back on Tuesday to choose which picture to put in.

And in with everything else I have been doing I have been trying to go out walking to train for the hydro active challenge!! I hope you've all sponsered us now!!

I hope you're all well.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunty Laura thinks you all look great in your picture, a perfect family.

But i miss little Abigail and can't wait to catch up again soon.
