Monday, May 15, 2006

GOSH appt 15/5/06

I'm sorry for not posting sooner but I have been poorly and just looking after abigail - not having time to be on my comuter especially in the lovely weather we have been out in the garden!
Abigail had her appt at GOSH this morning - they arn't concerned with her, but are going to keep an eye on her and do some further tests as she is small for her age! But I am releived that there is nothing too serious from the outcome today. She is being closely monitered with her weight etc anyway by our health visitor who weighs her every week! She was 13lb 8oz last wed!!! We will be seen again on 30th June 06
I had my clinic appt last week and all wasn't too bad! I'm being refered to a stomach consultant about my problems there but overall they are pleased with me and we are hoping to reduce my prednisolone some more.
I am also going to run/walk/crawl the Womens Hydro Challenge this year 3rd Sept for the CF trust along with 50+ other angels all dressed up! Should be amusing!! Please sponser us here...

1 comment:

Sarah Milne said...

I'm really pleased they are not concerned with Abigail Loads of babies are small at some stage. She'll grow in her own time! Here's to a healthy future for both of you!!!