Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Clinic 31/5/06

Well I am just back from clinic and Abigail has lost another 3oz!!
I just feel like crying! This week I have filled her full of food and milk! Grrr She is so happy in herself and sleeping well only waking up once for a feed and sleeping 13 hours!! So I am really confussed as what to do!! :(

She was doing so well! This week is half term so ed should be home but he has lots to do so is going into work from 9-3 everyday. So at least he is home to see Abigail a bit. Next week I go into hospital so I am making the most of spending time with Abigail.

Training has been put on a bit of a halt as I am just so tired at the moment but fundraising is going well if you haven't already or you have but are feeling generous as after all its a very good cause sponser us at

1 comment:

Sarah Milne said...

Hi Charlie, I hope Abigail puts some weight on soon. Is your health visitor giving you any advice about formulas and diet etc? At least she is happy and well though! Hope all goes well with your investigations next week.
I loved the photo on your last post - what a lovely family!!!
lots of love
Sarah xxx