Monday, August 04, 2008

Alton Towers 28/07-30/07/2008

My gorgeous boy fast asleep
Ed and Mike on Oblivion front row far left
Brian and Ed coming off Spin Ball Whizzer
Brian on the test your strength
Ed and Mike on Spin Ball Whizzer - you can make out their arms in the air
Ed playing golf trying to win the car!
Mike and Ed trying to dress Oliver
Ed, Brian and Mike back row coming off Nemisis
Oliver asleep in his pram how he stayed the whole time at Alton Towers - What a star!!

On Monday 28th off we headed to Alton Towers! Abi had the choice of comning with us or staying with my mum but she chose to stay with her Nana - which was probably the best option as Alton Towers is aimed at bigger children hence us going :P
So Brian Mike Ed Oliver and I headed off. We stopped for lunch at the harvester but only having some salad as it was way too hot to eat 31 degrees and SO humid we were all looking forward to the 3 1/2 hour journey just to be in the Air conditioned car!
When we arrived at the premier travel in we all showered then went to the pub garden next door for a nice cold drink!
We had a chinese buffet for dinner which was so scrummy and there was the biggest chocolate fountain i've ever seen!!
Ed came back to the room with me to bath Oliver and Oliver and I went to bed as I was shattered but Ed went back out for some more drinks - he didnt get back to the room till gone midnight but I was so sound asleep I didn't even hear him!
We got up and got everything ready for the day and met Brian and Mike in at breakfast - who hadn't been able to sleep at all so had already had their breakfast.
Shortly after we headed off to the park for our first day, it was brilliant - the weather was good around 24 degrees and alot less humid and Oliver was a star sleeping the whole day in his pram only waking ever 3 hours for a feed! As we had the dissabled wrist bands we didn't have to que for any rides which meant we had done all the rides on the first day some even 2 or 3 times! I'm not a great lover of water rides so refused to go on the water rapids but Ed, Mike and Brian insisted that you don't get that wet well I wish i'd taken a picture but it was to wet to get my camera out!!just as they got on the ride the heavens opened with the biggest terenchal thunderstorm i've seen in a long time! They came off the ride like complete drowned rats! I can't think of anything worse than having to stay in wet clothes all day myself - but did find it very amuzing seen as they were asuring me that you don't get wet!! LOL
That night by the time we got back to the hotel and had a shower it was gone 9pm by the time we got down for dinner far too late I had a nice started of cured meats Olives sun dried tomatos bread and oil as I couldn't face a main meal. It was really nice. We had a nice evening and finally fell into our beds at around midnight!
We set our alarms for 7 but Oliver woke at around 5.55am fed and settled again at around 6.20 and we both fell back to sleep waking with the alarm feeling really rough as really we shouldn't have gone back to sleep should have just got showered and ready after feeding Oliver.
We had to pack everything up as you have to vacate the room by 10am so had to pack up the car before heading to the park again.
We had a much more relaxed day only going on the things that we wanted rather than doing everything again. Then we stopped for lunch and then the men went off to the crazy golf and Oliver and I went back to the car for a sleep before the drive home.
We arived home to find it was still humid i went striaght round to pick up abi who was watering my mums garden in just her knickers! It was so lovely to see her i'd missed her SO much. She had had a lovely time though going swimming, to the park for picnics making and playing with PlayDough and going shopping with Nana - she was so full of it we didn't get her into bed till 9pm but it was so lovely to have her back!
It was a lovely few days away but so tiring - have needed another break to get over it!


Chantelle said...

sounds like you had a really nice time but like me with london i was very tired.
oliver is getting so big, he just kinda had a growth spout bless him lol

Emmie said...

Awww loved the update and sounds like you had a lovely time at Alton Towers! Oliver is getting so much bigger and has such gorgeous chubby cheeks! Thanks for the lovely supportive texts lately, you're a gem! xxx