Friday, October 03, 2008

Please pray hard

I don't know if any of you know toria she is one of my very best friends. Toria went into the brompton on 1st September, she responded to IV's well and decided to get her new port fitted while she was in her crp (infection markers in her blood) had come down enough and a cancelation came up so she got it pretty quick. Unfortunately the surgeon managed to puncture her lung during the procedure. She spent a long time with a chest drain in HDU eventually after a long 2 weeks the drain stopped bubbling and she managed to get it out and move back over to foulis. She had a rough few days with her asthma tried atrovent nebs but they made her swell up, she had the physio called in lots and was coughing up pots and pots of sputum. On wed 1st Oct she text me that things had gone alot worse her crp was over 300 her heart rate was very high and they put her on NIV but at the end she put she was going to be just fine - typical toria! I got a text from Luke her partner that said she is in ITU fully sedated,intubated and under paralysis and that her chances arn't good. I'm absolutely devestated, she is such a fighter but I just don't know if she's strong enough. Luke and their 9 month old gorgeous son Edward could really do with our prayers at the moment. Cf is so cruel she is the bestest friend ever and has a gorgeous son and partner waiting for her. This can't be happening she's got to fight. Please pray for her


CFHusband said...

Praying for all involved.

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed and sending positive thoughts across the sea!

Thinking of you too hun

Chantelle said...

are you ok charlotte, stay strong...we can only wait now and see...xxxx

Anonymous said...

Miss you hun
Talk soon, really big hug

Me said...

Im praying for Toria, I really hope she pulls through. This is so unfair xx

Anonymous said...

Hello, I found your blog via beckyadrianserendylan, I really hope your friend is doing better now,

All my love,
