Wednesday, December 20, 2006

We're back!!

Wow its a long time since i've sat sown and done this!!
Firstly I need to appologise for not posting for so long!! After we had finally got settled and moved i kept putting off updating, the longer it got the worse it got at how much i'd have to update, and its finally got the point now i'm being naggd so much i've decided to just "start a fresh" from where we are now.

Basically since I last posted we moved, I became 22 and ed has started his new job,Abigail and I had 3 days in Dorset in a log cabin, i've had an episode in hospital and Abigail has had a few virus' and chest infections but we've coped really well!!

Here we are now 20th December 2006, ed has broken up from school today i've been dashing round like a headless chicken organsing Abigail's Birthday on Saturday and of course Christmas!!

Abigail and I are both healthy and looking forward to next week.

I hope this finds you all well and I hope this shuts some of you up nagging me to update, and I promise now i'm over the hurdle of the first post I WILL now keep up to date.

Lots of love to all